Earth Hour 2018

Join us For Earth Hour

March 24, 2018

Two Villages Meet

Parkdale start: Queen and Cowan, by the Parkdale library
Roncesvalles start: Dundas and Roncesvalles Peace Garden
Finish: the junction of Queen, King, and Roncesvalles by the lakeshore pedestrian bridge

Assemble 8:15 pm
Walk: 8:30 pm
Bring your own candle, and a mug for coffee or hot chocolate

(Note: the walk may be cancelled if it rains)

Since 2010, we have held a candlelight march on Earth Hour to show our support for climate action - in our homes, our community, our city, and across the world.

Join us this year, as we celebrate ways that our community comes together to help people in need, both on a daily basis and in times of crisis. This is what community action can bring to the challenge of climate change!

See our Facebook page for more information...


Are you Climate Ready?

It's 20 below, and you have no power? What do you do?

Earth Hour 2017