Join us For Earth Hour
March 24, 2018
Two Villages Meet
Parkdale start: Queen and Cowan, by the Parkdale library
Roncesvalles start: Dundas and Roncesvalles Peace Garden
Finish: the junction of Queen, King, and Roncesvalles by the lakeshore pedestrian bridge
Assemble 8:15 pm
Walk: 8:30 pm
Bring your own candle, and a mug for coffee or hot chocolate
(Note: the walk may be cancelled if it rains)
Since 2010, we have held a candlelight march on Earth Hour to show our support for climate action - in our homes, our community, our city, and across the world.
Join us this year, as we celebrate ways that our community comes together to help people in need, both on a daily basis and in times of crisis. This is what community action can bring to the challenge of climate change!
See our Facebook page for more information...